Toxic Bus Shelters

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Keep Clear road markings at kerbside bus stop shelters

Children are advised to keep away from the busiest roads as pollution concentrates around the heaviest traffic. Children are advised to stand back away from the road as engines are often left running in stationary traffic.

The bus stops children use to get to school are on the busiest roads and children are directed to wait at kerbside bus shelters next to the exhaust of idling vehicles. A 6 minute wait twice a day, 190 school days a year equals 38 hours breathing highly concentrated vehicle engine exhaust for every year they go to nursery/school/college.

Specific effects of air pollution on children include reduced lung function and growth during childhood, a higher incidence of respiratory infections, a higher susceptibility to the development of asthma and deteriorating health conditions in children with asthma.

Children and babies in buggies are closer to the vehicle exhaust and breathe the highest concentrations. Please read our petition to make travelling to nursery & school a little safer for our children.