Driver Awareness
Many drivers are still unaware of the impact idling their vehicle has on the children around them.
Drivers should not stop and idle their vehicles directly in front of people waiting at the school gates or at kerbside bus stop shelters.
Breathing high concentrations of vehicle exhaust is harmful. The closer the idling vehicle’s exhaust is to a person the greater the concentration of toxic air they breathe.
Babies in buggies and young children are closest to vehicles’ exhaust and breathe high concentrations of toxic fumes that can stunt the growth of their small developing lungs.
Keep clear road markings will help but in the meantime we’ve created a few posters we think will raise awareness and reduce vehicle idling at pollution hotspots.
Keep Clear. NO2 idling. Air pollution stunts my lung growth.
If you’d like to see these posters at outside your child’s nursery/school or at your local bus stop shelter, please get in touch.