What we do

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We protect children from air pollution

We help parents uncover the truth about the harmful level of air pollution their children are exposed to as they travel to nurseries and schools in the UK. We campaign for action to reduce children’s air pollution exposure.

Say NO 2 idling

Our children are being slowly poisoned by the unnecessary burning of fuel when vehicles are parked. New law is required to prioritise children's health over the comfort and convenience of drivers.


Start Stop Idling

Every day millions of vehicles accelerate and brake hundreds of times over short distances and idle for extended periods of time. This is preventable.


Toxic Bus Shelters

Your child stands at a bus stop. A diesel lorry stops at the bus stop with its exhaust just feet away from your child’s face, engine on and carcinogenic fumes filling the air.


Fight Pollutant Monsters

A short comic strip to engage a child’s imagination and aid their understanding of the harmful air pollution they breathe when near idling vehicles.


Driver Awareness

Keep clear road markings will help reduce idling at kerbside bus stop shelters. Until they are in place, we’ve created posters to help raise awareness.


Air Pollution Monitoring

The UK’s air quality monitoring system should be state of the art with thousands of small, wireless air monitors, mounted at the locations where air quality matters most.


Local Air Monitor Champions

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A publicly owned and managed air monitoring network only works if there are people willing to go the extra mile for their community.
We need local champions to encourage members of their community to make a small contribution towards accurately monitoring the air they breathe. Some
one local to take the lead with the initial fundraising, to receive the monitor and mount it at the locations identified as local priorities.


What we have done


Raised £






